Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Encounter: While Waiting At Bus Stop

So, while waiting at the bus stop on my way home, I encounter a weird guy looking at me. I was trying to listen to my music with my earphones on at the same time, he tries to hold a conversation with me that goes something like this:

Guy: Excuse me, do you live or work around here?

Me: Yeah, I work right across the street.

Guy: Yeah, because I see you catch the bus all the time around this time

Me: Oh okay.

*Awkward silence

Guy: So where you going?

Me: Home, where are you headed to?

Guy: I'm going to this Mexican restaurant.

Me: Oh okay.

Guy: You want to come?

Me: No thanks. I'm okay, got to get home and rest.

*Awkward silence

Guy: So, how old are you?

Me: 23

Guy: Oh really, I thought you were 16.

Me: (darn it, should've just said I was 16) How old are you?

Guy: 26

*Awkward silence

Guy: So, what's your nationality?

Me: Chinese

Guy: (looking surprised) Really? No way. 100% Chinese?

Me: *nods head

Guy: I thought you were Filipino.

*Awkward silence

Guy: So, where are you from?

Me: Here, San Francisco

Guy: Oh!

Me: Where are you from?

Guy: Mexico

*Awkward silence

Guy: So, what's your name?

Me: Rebecca, what's your's?

Guy: Miguel

*Awkward silence

Bus comes and we sit across from each other. He smiles and nods and I just look at him crazy.

I figured he would realize oh the conversation wasn't going anywere. Geez...

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