Thursday, August 28, 2008

Encounter: Creepy Guy

As I was trying to get my Lifeline MUNI Fast Pass for transportation needs, I noticed a guy about 5'6, slim, Middle Eastern, walking right behind me. I went inside the Department of Human Services building, as I normally do every month, and got my Fast Pass for the month of September. When I was on my way out of the building, that same guy was there just staring at me. I had my head down and shot a quick mug glance at him. This is what he said:

Creepy Guy: Why don't you smile?

I ignored what he said and walked past him. He followed me. *Stalker Alert!*

Creepy Guy: What's your name?

Now he was at my left-hand side.

Creepy Guy: What, you don't want to talk to me?

Me: No, leave me alone.

Creepy Guy: Do you want a ride?

I hurried my ass out of that area as he followed right behind me.

Creepy Guy: (Louder) Do you want a ride?

As I got to the corner of the street, I saw the creepy guy get into his car. I waited for the stoplight to change to green, so I could cross the street. He was in his car staring at me, then he drove off.

I need to find better ways to hide or tell creepy guys like him to F--- OFF! Forget about being nice, anymore.

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