Encounter #1
While I went to purchase some children's clothing for Isaiah, the lady at the register took a look at my t-shirt:
Me: Uh.....no.
Lady at Register: Oh, I'm sorry. The weather must be getting to me.
Then she told her co-worker to look at my t-shirt and told her that she thought the names were my children's names. Keep in mind that both of these women were also staring at my chest.
Encounter #2
While pushing my son on a saucer swing, two girls on the other swing started giggling. I overhead one of the girls (Girl #1) tell her friend (Girl #2) that Isaiah is my son. Her friend didn't believe her, so that girl told her to ask me.
Girl #2: Is that your son?
Me: Yeah.
Girl #1: He's very quiet.
Me: Yeah, he's only 4 years old.
Girl #2: How old were you when you had him?
Me: That's really none of your business.